Food Science & Nutrition Research (ISSN: 2641-4295)
PublisherSciVision Publishers LLC
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Food Science & Nutrition Research (ISSN 2641-4295) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal covering all aspects of food science, beverage and nutrition research. The journal is an invaluable resource to inform individuals, organizations and the public on modern thinking, research, and attitudes to food and nutrition.Food Science & Nutrition Research welcomes submissions of primary research, reviews, cases, and commentary article types as well as letters to the editor and editorials. Food Science & Nutrition Research is key reading for academics, researchers, and students in the nutrition, medicine and public health fields, nutritionists and dietitians, food company managers, food research institutes, health care professionals, managers, and other healthcare practitioners.
Last modified: 2019-02-27 15:27:51
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