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ICST Transactions on Network Optimization and Control (ISSN: 2032-9520)




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



This new journal aims at developing and fostering research on control and optimization in networks, ranging from control and optimization of general stochastic networks to applications to computer networks, social networks, communication networks and road traffic networks. These themes have been traditionally handled by separate research communities, but share as common denominator a number of tools, techniques and approaches. The Transactions on Network Optimization and Control (TNOC) aim at representing a venue for such communities to present their results and exchange innovative outcomes of archival value, whose applicability goes potentially beyond the boundaries of single applications.
Both papers on theoretical tools that are applicable to the control and optimization of networks as well as specific applications thereof are sought. Examples of more specific applications include lower-layer functionalities in mobile wireless networks, game theoretic approaches to access control, cooperation, competition and adversary capacities in diverse environments, routing for computational grids, resource optimization in cloud computing and overlays. The journal is interested in particular in distributed and decentralized aspects, in team and game theoretical (both cooperative and non-cooperative) models, in learning, estimation, filtering and adaptive control in networks.
The main themes for the journal include but are not restricted to:
Optimization and control theoretical tools in networking
Game theoretic analysis of networks, incentive pricing, inducing collaboration
Flow and congestion control in networks
Hierarchical optimization in networks
Resources allocation and their optimization
Scheduling transmissions in networks
Control of queuing networks
Optimization of wireless networks
Optimization and control theoretical approaches to transport protocols
Computational grids
Competitive routing
Traffic assignment problem
Optimization and control of social and biological networks
Control of complex networks
Optimization and control of energy supply and distribution networks

Networks, Control, Optimization, Communications, Traffic, Computer Networks, Scheduling, Routing, Flow Control, Energy Networks
Dr. Eitan Altman has been a researcher at INRIA (National research institute in informatics and control) in Sophia-Antipolis, France, since 1990. He has served on the editorial boards of several scientific journals: WINET, COMNET, JDEDS, SIAM (SICON), Stochastic Models, and Journal of Economy Dynamic and Control (JEDC). He has been plenary speaker, (co)chairman of the program committee and general chair of various international conferences. He has received the best paper award in several conferences. His main interests are application of control, game theory and bio-inspired paradigms to networking.
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Editor of Special Issues
Daniele Miorandi is the head of the Pervasive Computing and Communications Area at CREATE-NET, Trento, Italy. He received a PhD in Communications Engineering from Univ. of Padova, Italy, in 2005, and a Laurea degree (summa cum lauda) in Communications Engineering from Univ. of Padova, Italy, in 2001. He joined CREATE-NET in January 2005, where he is leading a group working on large-scale distributed networked environments. His research interests include bio-inspired approaches to networking and service provisioning in large-scale computing systems, modelling, optimization and performance evaluation of wireless networks, wireless extensions of fieldbus systems, prototyping of wireless mesh solutions. He is serving on the Steering Committee of various international events (WiOpt, Autonomics, ValueTools), for some of which he was a co-founder (Autonomics and ValueTools).
Editorial Board
Control and Game Theory
Prof. Tamer Basar
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Prof. Nahum Shimkin
Technion, Israel
Prof. Lorn Mason
Univ McGill, Montreal
Prof. Eilon Solan
Tel-Aviv Univ, Israel
Optimization of Computer and Communication Networks (Scheduling, Flow Control, Routing)
Prof. Asu Ozdaglar
MIT, Boston
Prof. Hiroyuki Ohsaki
Osaka Univ, Japan
Prof. Vivek Borkar
TIFR Mumbai, India
Prof. José Aguilar
Univ de los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
Communication Theory
Prof. Merouane Debbah
Supelec, France
Combinatorial Optimization in Networks
Dr. Jean Claude Bermond
CNRS, France
Road Traffic Networks
Dr. Laura Wynter
Social Networks
Dr. Konstantin Avratchenkov
INRIA, France

Last modified: 2011-08-16 08:06:19


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