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ICST Transactions on Energy Web (ISSN: 2032-944X)




IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



With ICT pervading everyday objects and infrastructures, the ‘Future Internet’ is envisioned to leap towards a radical transformation from how we know it today (a mere communication highway) into a vast hybrid network seamlessly integrating knowledge, people and machines as techno-social ecosystems whose behaviour transcends the boundaries of today’s engineering science. From self-reconfiguring manufacturing plants and self-stabilizing energy grids to self-deploying emergency taskforces ? such ecosystems relying on a myriad of mobile devices, software agents and human users will be spontaneously deployed through eNetworks on the sole basis of local rules and peer-to-peer communication. This trend is driving a much needed radical transformation of the energy sector metamorphosed into a pervasively adaptive ecosystem of hybrid energy providers in which local microgrids of prosumers (producers and consumers) will interact with large power providers in a coopetition-driven manner. Several technologies are currently racing to production to meet this dream, from ‘smart dust’ to hybrid networks capable to control the emergence of dependable and reliable green and energy-efficient ecosystems ? which we generically term the ‘energy web’ ? calling for major paradigm shifts highly disruptive of the ways the energy sector functions today.

The ICST Transactions on the Energy Web are positioned at the forefront of these efforts as a forum for the most forward looking frontier research undertaken by the international scientific community. We will publish original works reporting on prominent advances that challenge traditional thinking to find solutions to the ongoing energy problems spanning from blackouts to green and alternative energy.
Topics and Editorial Board Members in Charge

User-centric and user-aware smart grids in the ‘energy web’ ecosystem (New ICT networks supporting active power distribution networks that link power sources with consumer demands, allowing both to decide how best to operate in real time) ? Dr Geert Deconinck and Dr. Marija Ilic
Microgrid-enabling technologies and renewable energy ? Dr. Joel Kubby
Green IT (A) power savvy technologies and alternative energy sources to meet the challenge of climate change ? Dr. Richard Somerville and (B) IT-enabled social transformations targeting energy efficiency and carbon emissions cuts ? Dr. Bill St Arnaud
IT-power interdependent Grid (design for resilience of the eNetworked self-healing reconfigurable grid) ? Dr. Roberto Setola and Jose Marti
Liberalized energy markets ? Valeriy Vyatkin

Smart grid, Resilient technologies, Self-healing grid technologies, Grid decentralization technologies, Microgrids, Clean Power Technologies, Renewable sources, Wind, Solar, Biofuels, Green ICT, Smart homes, Smart cities, The Social Dimension, IT-enabled social transformation, Prosumer communities, Liberalized energy markets, Smart Meters, Internet of Energy, e-Energy
Professor Mihaela Ulieru holds the NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council ? funded) Canada Research Chair in Adaptive Information Infrastructures for the eSociety in the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of New Brunswick since 2005 when she also established (with Canada Foundation for Innovation funding) and leads the Adaptive Risk Management Laboratory (ARM Lab) researching Complex Networks as Control Paradigm for Complex Systems. Her research is focused on the Cyberengineering of resilient eNetworks (Cyber-Physical Ecosystems) and their applications. A highly thought expert in distributed intelligent systems Professor Ulieru has appointments on several national and international advisory boards and review panels. She is co-founder and was General Chair of 1st IEEE International Industrial Informatics Forum and currently champions the ICST IT-Revolutions Forum of which she was General Chair in 2008. Professor Ulieru is member of the Government of Canada Science Technology and Innovation Council.
Editorial Board
Green IT
Dr. Randy Katz
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
UC Berkeley, CA, USA
Dr. Richard Somerville
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
University of California at San Diego, CA, USA
Dr. Bill St. Arnaud
Chief Research Officer
CANARIE Inc., Canada
Smart Grids
Dr. Geert Deconinck
Department of Electrical Engineering
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Dr. Marija Ilic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Melon University, USA
IT-power Independent Grid
Dr. Roberto Setola
Complex Systems and Security Laboratory
Universita Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy
Dr. Jose Marti
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of British Columbia, Canada
Liberalized Energy Markets
Dr. Valeriy Vyatkin
Electrical Engineering
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Microgrids and Renewable Energy
Dr. Joel Kubby
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
The University of California at Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Last modified: 2011-08-16 08:02:06


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