Eskisehir Osmangazi University Turkic World Apply and Research Center Journal of Education (ISSN: 2548-0375)
PublisherEskisehir Osmangazi University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
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Eskişehir Osmangazi University Turkic World Research Center (ESTUDAM) Journal of Education (E-ISSN 2548-0375); Educational Sciences and Field Education aims to contribute to the original articles; is a scientific journal that publishes as peer-reviewed and electronically. The journal is the publication of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Turkic World Research Center.ESTUDAM Journal of Education, which started its publication in 2016, is published as two issues a year in March and September. The article submission and referee processes of our journal, which adopts the open access system, are carried out at and
In the ESTUDAM Journal of Education of, by publishing theoretical and practical studies in accordance with academic, universal science criteria related to educational sciences and field education and with studies from the scientific point of view of the education policies followed throughout the Turkic World; we aim to put forward the suggestions for future scientific solutions on these issues. We would be pleased to have the researchers who will contribute to the studies on Educational Sciences and Field Education send their studies to our journal for evaluation.
In order for the articles to be published in the journal, they must not have been previously published / published in another journal and should be given a positive report by the referees. Authors are deemed to have accepted the transfer of their publication rights to the ESTUDAM Journal of Education.
Those who want to submit a manuscript must be a member of the journal system from one of the related addresses and then send their work to the journal through the Article System. All procedures in the process from the application of the application to the publication stage of the paper take place in electronic environment.
Last modified: 2018-12-26 06:11:41
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