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Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi (ISSN: 2630-5712)

PublisherEskişehir Osmangazi University



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Aims and Scope : The Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Eskişehir Osmangazi University is a multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal in engineering. The journal is not limited to a particular aspect of science and engineering, but is instead devoted to a wide range of areas in engineering. The journal aims to publish high quality papers in the areas of: Computer Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geology Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
About Journal : The Journal (ISSN: 1301-045x) was launched in 1986. It was published as 2 issues per year until the end of 2012. It has resumed its publication life as an online journal (e-ISSN : 2630-5712) in 2018.
Current Publication Schedule : The Journal is published as 3 issues per year. The issues are scheduled to be published in accordance with their areas. In addition to the regular issues, proceedings of the conferences which are organized by our university are published as special issues depending upon the decision of the Editorial Board.
Manuscript Evaluation Process : The journal uses an online submission and peer review system that allows authors to submit articles online and track their progress via a web interface, provided through DergiPark®. The manuscript, along with all the files, is uploaded to DergiPark® online submission system, which is available at the link: Manuscripts can be prepared either in Turkish or in English. Detailed information on uploading and review process is provided on the web page given above.
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the template provided on the journal web page ( In the Pre-Control phase, correction for manuscripts that do not meet formatting requirements is requested.
Manuscripts are evaluated by national and/or international referees. This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
Open Access Policy : The journal aims to share information by offering scientific research free for everyone to read and download. For this reason, all articles published by the Journal are freely available online immediately upon publication.
All articles published since 1996 are available on the web page of dergipark system. As of 2018, review process is carried out through dergipark system.
All articles published since 2018 have received a DOI number.
Publication Fees : There is no submission, evaluation or publication fees for this journal. All accepted articles are freely available online upon publication.
Originality Check : All submitted manuscripts are screened for unoriginal material using IThenticate® software. In accordance with the similarity report generated by the software, the total similarity ratio is over 25%, the Editor request the revision and re-submission of the paper form the corresponding author.

Last modified: 2019-02-01 23:16:57


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