Science and Innovation (ISSN: 2409-9066)
PublisherPublishing House "Akademperiodyka"
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Scientific and Practical Journal of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.Founded in 2005, Resolution of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine № 7
from 12.01.2005.
The Editorial Board of the journal ?Science and Innovation? is guided in its work by international ethics of scientific publications and maintains a policy of open access. All articles submitted to the Editorial Board, on a mandatory basis are reviewed and checked for plagiarism. The journal provides all users with a guarantees in accordance with specified obligations.
Published 6 times a year
State registration certificate of print media: КВ 20704-10504ПР from 18.04.14
ISSN 1815-2066 (print)
ISSN 2413-497X (online)
Journal Languages: English
Founder: The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Publisher: Publishing House "Akademperiodyka"
Editor-in-chief: Boris Ye. Paton, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine
Executive Secretary: Tatyana M. Yatskiv
The journal "Science and Innovation" is included to the List of scientific professional publications of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, approved by Order №1111 on 17.10.2012, in which main results of dissertation works on technical and economic sections can be published.
Article problems:
? original and review articles in various areas of science and technology that are important for innovation development of Ukraine;
? information provision of innovation activities;
? coverage of innovative structures activity.
Journal Topics:
? General Questions on Modern Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy
- legal and methodological foundations
- economic aspects
- discussion forum
? Scientific and Technical Innovation Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
? The Scientific Basis of Innovation
- instrumentation
- telecommunications and navigation
- nanotechnology and functional materials
- transportation and construction technologies
- agriculture and agricultural technology
- environmental technology and biotechnology
- energy and resource saving
? Legal Protection of Intellectual Property
? The World of Innovation
- know-how and technology transfer
- innovative structures
- in terms of numbers
- ongoing information in science and innovation field
Last modified: 2016-03-10 23:42:18
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