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American Journal of Nutrition and Food Science (ISSN: 2372-4293)

PublisherSciknow Publications Ltd




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



American Journal of Nutrition and Food Science is an open access and peer reviewed journal dedicated to the latest researches in nutrition and food sciences. Our aim is to encourage scientists, researchers, and professionals to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible or share their knowledge with as much readers unlimitedly as possible.
associations and effects of foods and nutrients on health
dietary and consumption patterns
molecular nutrition
health claims on foods
nutrition and cognitive functions
nutritional effects of food composition and processing nutrition in developing countries
animal and in vitro models with clear relevance for human nutrition
nutrition and the environment
food and nutrition education
nutrition and economics
food safety and security
food science and technology

Last modified: 2015-05-16 08:10:21


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