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ISSN Number Checker

ISSN numbers consist of 8 digits. To check validity of an ISSN number enter the 8 digit ISSN number in the box below. You may also enter one ISSN with hyphen, e.g. 3606-6443

ISSN Number

You are validating the ISSN 2476-0315

Totally 11 possible ISSN for your checking

But only one with Right is correct

  1. ISSN 2476-0310 Wrong ISSN
  2. ISSN 2476-0311 Wrong ISSN
  3. ISSN 2476-0312 Wrong ISSN
  4. ISSN 2476-0313 Wrong ISSN
  5. ISSN 2476-0314 Wrong ISSN
  6. ISSN 2476-0315 Correct ISSN
  7. ISSN 2476-0316 Wrong ISSN
  8. ISSN 2476-0317 Wrong ISSN
  9. ISSN 2476-0318 Wrong ISSN
  10. ISSN 2476-0319 Wrong ISSN
  11. ISSN 2476-031X Wrong ISSN

What is ISSN?

ISSN is a worldwide identification code used by publishers, suppliers, libraries, information services, bar coding systems, union catalogues, etc. for citation and retrieval of serials such as Journals, Newspapers, Newsletters, Directories, Yearbooks, Annual Reports & Monograph series, etc. The benefits include international publicity and recognition of the serial by automatic inclusion in the International Serials Directory Database.

It is an eight digit number consisting of seven digits plus a check digit which enables a computer to recognise when the number is incorrectly cited. The check digit may be an X, otherwise the ISSN is fully numeric.