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Notes Académiques de l'Académie d'agriculture de France/Academic Notes of the Academy of agriculture of France (N3AF) (ISSN: 2967-2139)

PublisherAcadémie d'agriculture de France



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The Notes Académiques de l'Académie d'agriculture de France/Academic Notes of the Academy of agriculture of France (N3AF) is a peer-reviewed (double anonymity for reports), open access, scientific, technological and technical information and education publication, whose objective is to allow researchers to rapidly make their work known to the international community. It exists either in electronic or printed form by semester (ISSN 2966-702X (printed); eISSN 2967-2139 (electronic)).
The publication offers up-to-date and rigorous information about all the fields covered by the ten sections of the French Academy of Agriculture. It publishes original articles, news articles, notes on current affairs, syntheses, bibliographical reviews, reports, critical comments on books or articles, points of view, texts of conferences, letters to the editor, courses...
The journal (on the website of the French Academy of Agriculture: is of the open access diamond model: neither the authors nor the readers pay.
Manuscripts are reviewed with double anonymity: until publication and possibly after, authors do not know who the reviewers are, and the reviewers do not know who the authors are.
Manuscripts submitted must conform to the instructions described below. If so, as soon as they are received, they are registered and deposited on the academic site (invisible to all), in order to possibly testify to the authors' anteriority.
The persons who accept to be the manuscript referees, at the invitation of the editors in charge of the manuscripts, are invited to analyze the texts rather as experts than as "evaluators" or "reviewers". Their role, which is essential for the publication of excellent texts, is to give advice to authors on improving their manuscripts, which are published when the editor in charge and the referees agree that academic quality has been achieved.

Last modified: 2023-02-04 23:41:24


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