International Academic Journal of Applied Bio-Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2709-328X)
PublisherInternational Academic & Research Consortium
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The journal aims to publish the most complete and reliable information on discoveries and current developments in the field of Biomedical Sciences. Abetalipoproteinemia, Abortive transduction, Abulia, Anatomic pathology, Applied or Clinical chemistry, Bacteriology, Basic medical sciences, Biochemical engineering, Biochemistry, Bioengineering Application, Biological Engineering , Biomaterial Science, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, Biomedical engineering, Biomedical Equipment, Biomedical imaging, Biomedical Informatics, Biomedical Micro devices, Biomedical optics, Biomedical science, Biomedical Services, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Biomedical technology, Bioprocessing, Biotechnology Engineering, Blood transfusion science, Cell biology, Cervical cytology, Clinical embryology, Clinical engineering, Clinical immunology, Clinical measurements, Clinical Research, Cognitive and neurosciences, Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), Developmental biology, Drosophila melanogaster, Epidemiology, Equipment management, Genetic engineering, Genetics, pharmacology, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), Haemostasis and thrombosis, Histocompatibility and immunogenetics, Histopathology and cytopathology, Human biology, Immunology, Maxillofacial prosthetics, McCune Albright Syndrome, Medical electronics, Medical illustration and Clinical photography, Microbiology , Microbiology and virology, Molecular & cell biology, Molecular and Medicine science, Molecular genetics and cytogenetics, Molecular pathology and toxicology etc..Last modified: 2020-10-19 03:15:17
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