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Akademik Siyer Dergisi / Journal of Academic Sirah (ISSN: 2687-5810)

PublisherKSÜ Siyer-i Nebi Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



1. Journal of Academic Sirah is a peer-reviewed journal published at least twice a year in January and June. Article acceptance dates, for the issue dated 1 January, it is 1 July - 1 November; for the issue dated 30 June, it is 2 January - 30 April. Acceptance of book reviews, for the issue dated January 1, it is July 01 - November 30; for the issue dated 30 June, it is 2 January - 30 May.
2. In the journal, scientific and original articles that have a direct or indirect relationship with Sirah science are evaluated.
3. Articles submitted to the journal must not be published elsewhere or entered into the publishing process.
4. The journal consists of three main sections: a) peer-reviewed articles B) letter to the editor C) non-peer-reviewed articles.
5. The articles should be written in Turkish or English.
6. The articles should be prepared in accordance with our writing rules and publication ethics and sent to our journal through the dergipark system. If the submitted study is a paper presented previously or produced from the thesis, this must be stated in the article.
7. For processing the articles produced from paper, it is necessary to fill in the system by filling in a wet signed undertaking by author as “My work hasn't been published or will not be published.”
8. Articles submitted to Journal of Academic Sirah should not exceed 35 pages, including bibliography and figures/tables. The lower word limit of articles is 5000.
9. Articles submitted for publication in the journal are subject to the preliminary control of the Editorial Board. The articles are scanned at this stage through the iThenticate plagiarism detection program.
10. Too many spelling errors and non-compliance with scientific requirements will be considered sufficient for the article to be rejected during the preliminary control process. Articles that do not comply with the publication principles will not be included in the peer review process.
11. The articles that pass the editorial board preliminary control are sent to at least two referees recommended by the board for the purpose of supervising scientific competence. The authors are not informed about the identities of the referees who evaluate the article, and the referees are not informed about who the article belongs to. (blind review)
12. The articles are published in a number deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board by taking into consideration the positive reports from the referee after the evaluation. If both referees express a negative opinion, the article is not published. In the case of the one of the reports is negative or the refereeing reports are deemed insufficient or unsatisfactory by the Editorial Board, the final decision upon publication of the article shall be made in accordance with the decision of a third arbitrator or at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
13. Authors of rejected articles are informed about the process. In this case, the author cannot make any claims regarding the non-publication of the article.
14. Articles that comply with our publication principles and type and are decided to be published are included in the publication process. Each issue is limited to 10 research articles, 2 translations, 2 letters to the editor, and 2 book reviews. The articles that are decided to be published are accepted to the related issue of the journal according to the date of arrival as a general principle.
15. At most one study of an author (copyright or translation) can be published in an issue.
16. Article application fee is not charced from the author.
17. There is no charge for published articles.
18. No royalties are paid to the authors of published articles.
19. All publication rights of the articles published in the Journal of Academic Sirah belong to KSU Sirah Researches Application and Research Center. Published articles, in whole or in part, may not be printed, reproduced, or moved to electronic media without the permission of the publisher.
20. In accordance with the 6th article of the Universities Publication Guideline, authors have scientific and legal responsibilities of their articles. Journal of Academic Sirah Editorial Board is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the articles.
21. Journal of Academic Sirah stipulates that the second edition of ISNAD citation system should be used in citation and bibliography writing. For detailed information about İSNAD Citation System:
22. Abstract should be written in single paragraph format and should be between 100-300 words and should not contain any citations. Each abstract should contain at least 3 and at most 7 keywords describing the study. The selected words should be compatible with the content of the article and should be inclusive.
23. The article should have abstract, (if any) introduction, main text, conclusion, bibliography, and (if any) appendices respectively.
24. The authority to decide on matters not mentioned here belongs to the Editorial Board of Journal of Academic Sirah.

Last modified: 2020-01-05 19:42:54


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