Vegetation Classification and Survey (ISSN: 2683-0671)
PublisherPensoft Publishers
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
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Vegetation Classification and Survey (VCS) is an international, peer-reviewed journal on plant community ecology published on behalf of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) together with its sister journals, Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS) and Applied Vegetation Science (AVS). It is devoted to vegetation survey and classification at any organizational and spatial scale and without restriction to certain methodological approaches.The journal publishes original papers that develop new vegetation typologies as well as applied studies that use such typologies, for example, in vegetation mapping, ecosystem modelling, nature conservation, land use management or monitoring. Particularly encouraged are methodological studies that design and compare tools for vegetation classification and mapping, such as algorithms, databases and nomenclatural principles. Papers dealing with conceptual and theoretical bases of vegetation survey and classification are also welcome. While large-scale studies are preferred, regional studies will be considered when filling important knowledge gaps or presenting new methods. VCS also contains permanent sections on "Ecoinformatics" and "Phytosociological Nomenclature".
Last modified: 2020-05-17 02:23:12
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