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Academic Knowledge (ISSN: 2667-6362)

PublisherTaner Namlı



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Academic Knowledge, an international peer-reviewed journal, had begun its publication life in 2018. The journal, which will be published twice a year electronically on June 31 and December 31, will be published in Social and Human Sciences such as Educational Sciences, Religious Studies (Theology), Literature, Linguistics, History, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Philology, Geography, Archaeology, Art History, Law, Political Science and International Relations, Public Administration, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, Art, Tourism, Librarianship, Information and Document Management, Communication. Academic Knowledge aims to share new studies regarding many different disciplines. The purpose of the journal is to publish original works in all sub-fields of social sciences and to encourage interdisciplinary studies in these fields.
The language of the journal is Turkish, English and Arabic. In addition to original research, discussion and review, translation, book review, and criticism will be published in the Academic Journal. The Academic Knowledge is an Open Access Journal, and it is offered as free to everyone.

Last modified: 2020-01-15 21:09:56


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