EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (ISSN: 2663-6751)
PublisherEast African Scholars Publisher, Kenya
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
About Journal“EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences” ISSN 2663-1865 (Print) and ISSN 2663-6751 (Online) is monthly, peer reviewed, open access Academic and Research Journal which publishes Full Length Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Mini Reviews, Essays, Short Communications, Case Studies, editorial comments etc in all the fields of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences.
Scope of Journal
The aim of the “EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences” is to promote excellence by providing a venue for academicians, Researchers and students to publish significant empirical and conceptual findings in all the fields of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences and their applied fields and share globally. Scopes: “EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences” publishes in all the fields of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences like Anthropology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Experiential Psychotherapy, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Counseling Psychology, Emotional & Behavioral Characteristics, Forensic Counseling, Forensic Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Learning, Marriage & Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling, Pastoral Community Counseling, Personality, Psychiatry, Psychoanalytic Psychology, Psychopharmacology, Psychotraumatology, Sport-Exercise Psychology, Substance Abuse, Transpersonal and Peace Psychology.
Last modified: 2020-01-01 22:17:52
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