TWP Series in Management, Business and Economy (ISSN: 2652-7081)
PublisherTaylor & Wales Publishing
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Scientific Herald of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Series: Economy, agrarian management, business
- Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B»)
- Small business management series
- Recreation business management series
- Small business management series
TWP Series in Management, Business and EconomyISSN:2652-7081
出版社:Taylor & Wales Publishing
The TMBE is an Open Access publication series dedicated to archiving conference proceedings dealing with all the aspects related to management, business and economy. The TMBE offers a wide range of services from the organization of the submission of conference proceedings to the worldwide dissemination of the conference papers. It provides an efficient archiving solution, ensuring maximum exposure and wide indexing of scientific conference proceedings.
TMBE 是一个开放获取出版物系列,致力于存档与管理、商业和经济相关的所有方面的会议记录。 TMBE 提供广泛的服务,从组织会议论文集的提交到会议论文的全球传播。 它提供了一种高效的归档解决方案,确保科学会议论文集的最大曝光率和广泛索引
TWP Series in Information Technology and Computing
(EI Compendex. CPCI.SCOPUS会议 丛书征稿
SCOPUS. Engineering Village.Web of Science)
Last modified: 2021-07-05 11:17:12
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