Journal of Intelligent Transportation System and Applications (ISSN: 2636-820X)
PublisherBandirma Onyedi Eylul University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The name of the journal was appointed as “Intelligent Transportation Systems and Applications” since Intelligent Transportation Systems are a subject of multi-disciplinary fields that have a broad range of cross-sectoral applications. Our journal will make an essential contribution to the world of science within the scope of Engineering, Technical Sciences, Basic Sciences and Social Sciences (in the fields of Logistics, Transportation, Communication and Informatics).The journal publishes articles in Turkish and English languages. Our issues are published electronically. The topics included in the journal are given on the right-hand side of the page under the Konu Başlıkları - Journal Topics tab. The articles submitted to our journal for review should not be previously published, nor accepted for publication, nor be in the process of evaluation for publication. The responsibility of the published works belongs to the author(s). The copyright of the published works belongs to the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems and Applications (JITSA). The articles to be published must be prepared and sent in accordance with the conditions specified in the writing rules, author guidelines and publication principles. The articles submitted to the journal are subject to a preliminary examination in terms of formatting and content.
The articles that are found acceptable in terms of formatting and content are submitted to the editorial board for the evaluation process. The evaluation process takes 3 to 5 weeks, on average. If the article reviewed by the Editorial Board is found appropriate, at least two referees* are appointed for the article review process. In accordance with the reports of referees; the article will be designated as “ready to be published” or “further work required”. When requested, the author(s) must make requested corrections, provide additional information and/or condense their article if the author wishes to continue the application process.
If the article receives one positive and one negative result by the referees, the Journal Editor holds the right to send the article to an additional referee.
Last modified: 2019-11-18 22:41:24
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