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Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices (ISSN: 2618-897X)

PublisherPeoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The journal "Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices" is a high-respected, peer-reviewed edition publishing the results of scientific researches in the field of general and applied linguistics, cultural linguistics, pedagogy, etc.
Its International status is defined by the editorial board, the involvement of foreign reviewers, as well as co-operation with the multicultural team of authors.
The mission of the journal is to develop the strategy for successful scientific collaboration among scientists from different countries.
The main objective of the journal is the creation of a wide dialogue platform for experts in philological and related disciplines such as cultural studies, philosophy, political science, etc. Formation of the information context should contribute to a better understanding of linguistic processes in today's global society. Particular attention is paid to the bi- and translingual processes in their literary implementation and common usage, as well as the problems of intercultural communication. However, we also welcome all the articles on the main direction LANGUAGE - SOCIETY – CULTURE of fundamental, applied, experimental nature. Standard languages of publication are Russian and English. However, materials for the analysis can be attracted from all the languages and cultures on the example of any international community / country, at the discretion of the Author.
Among other objectives is the presentation of current researches on the problems of linguistics, theory of language, the languages of the peoples of foreign countries, applied linguistics, theory and methodology of professional education. Specialized scientific problems will be assigned as the columns and thematic issues of the journal.
The publication is aimed at scientists of philological and humanitarian profile.
The journal "Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices" focuses on the problems of linguistic and cultural interaction of the peoples of Russia, the CIS and abroad. By the term "Polylinguality", we understand the quality of modern culture, which has no specific "frozen" form. It is a mutual adaptation of multiple linguistic (and extra-linguistic) pictures of the world, transforming the global semiosphere.
Previously known as “Problems of Education: Language and Speciality”, the journal is published quarterly since 2004. From the third issue of 2015 (No. 3, 2015), the editorial policy is carried out under the guidance of Dr. Phil. sciences, prof. V.P. Sinyachkin and Dr. Phil. sciences, prof. U.M. Bakhtikireeva.
During its 14-year history the Journal has been offering for discussion by the scientific community "milestones" problems of modern linguistics: Language in Human and Human in Language; Language in a multicultural society; peculiarities of bilingual linguistic consciousness of the individual; mechanisms of perception and learning of foreign language in the cognitive and pragmatic aspects; effective strategy of linguistic didactics and many others.
From 2016, the Journal extends the research context of publications and invites for cooperation culture experts, historians, philosophers, and other representatives of the humanities.
Mission (the supertask) of the journal is to integrate linguistic and extralinguistic experience of experts from different countries and scientific disciplines in order to develop a universal strategy of tolerant interaction between people of various languages and cultures. The Editorial Board believes that the Language may be not only the barrier, but also a bridge to understanding another culture, mentality and ethnic identity. Reducing the confrontational perception of the Other and the proclamation of self-worth of each language and each ethnic group in the multicultural metasociety is our Mission that should be implemented in the research tasks as:
Identification, description, classification of linguistic facts of declared problematics;
The study of language processes in multicultural environment;
The study of bi- and translingual practices in literature, media; etc.
Our Authors are philologists, experts in the field of philosophy, cultural studies, history, didactics and other disciplines of sofic cycle. The journal is ready to publish the scientific researches of postgraduates and undergraduates, if their content quality corresponds to the standards of the journal.
The genre preferences. The preferred publishing format is full article, but essays, interviews, critical reviews of declared problematic are also accepted. According to the preliminary agreement with the editors Author may participate in the thematic polylogue (debate) on the pages of the journal.
The Electronic version of the journal will be supported by Presentation materials: Video and AudioSlides, author presentations, etc.

Last modified: 2019-08-21 19:09:03
