Revista Brasileira do Ensino Médio (ISSN: 2595-816X)
PublisherDweison Nunes Souza da Silva, Guilherme José Ferreira de Araújo
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The Brazilian Journal of Higher Education [Revista Brasileira do Ensino Médio] (ISSN: 2595-816X) is a periodical linked to the Integral Education Program of the State of Pernambuco. Its purpose is to publish scientific articles, literature reviews, experience reports and critical reviews, taking into account the novelty, originality and interdisciplinary character of the manuscripts. The focus of the journal is to promote the discussion of problems, the development of pedagogical alternatives, successful and innovative experiences in the field of research on integral education; education, society and nature; and teaching practice in high school. Thus, the journal is guided under the following guidelines:A_ High School and Integral Education
Environment for publications resulting from scientific and informational research of notable relevance for secondary education, especially associated with integral education.
B_ Education, Society and Nature
Environment intended for publications derived from scientific and informational research of notable relevance for the advancement of environmental education in high school, especially, that contribute to the adoption of interdisciplinary pedagogical practices oriented towards sustainable development.
C_ Teaching Practice and Pedagogical Innovation in School Daily
Environment destined to publications resulting from projects and innovative pedagogical practices of teachers with notorious relevance for high school.
Last modified: 2018-11-28 02:09:25