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Research and Reports on Genetics (ISSN: 2591-7986)

PublisherAllied Academies



IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



Research and Reports on Genetics is an open access journal that specifies the recent advancements in the research at the genome level. The Journal scope encompasses the knowledge in medical research of the topics related to Genetic polymorphisms of biologically important genes, Gene cloning and mapping, Human genome analysis, Genetic Engineering, Genomics, Medical genetics, Epigenetics, Population genetics, Mendelian Inheritance, Selective breeding, Classical genetics, Alleles, Genotype & Phenotype studies, Genetic linkage, Recombination, Mutational analysis, DNA Sequencing, Evolution, Epistatis, Gene interactions, Genetic diseases, Gene regulation, Gene silencing studies, Gene cloning, Gene therapy.

Last modified: 2021-11-09 18:20:39


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