Studies in Philology and Cross-cultural Communication (ISSN: 2587-6465)
PublisherThe International Center of the Promotion of the Russian Language and Culture «CENTRUS»
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
International Scientific and Practical Journal "Studies in Philology and Cross-cultural Communication"The purpose of the journal is to support young scientists, popularize and acquaint the general public with the latest scientific research in the field of philology and cross-cultural communication, create a unified platform for the exchange of scientific experience between Russian scientists and their foreign colleagues dealing with cross-cultural communication and the development of the Russian language.
Sections of the journal:
* Modern problems of Russian-language philology
* Russian Language and Literary Studies: Theoretical Studies and Analysis Tools
* Russian Literature: Theory and Analysis
* Literature of the peoples of foreign countries
* Linguistics: theory, methodology, practice
* Theoretical, applied and mathematical linguistics
* Folklore: peoples of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Near and Far Abroad
* Journalism: theory and modern practice
* Practical experience and expert position
* The methodology of teaching the discipline of the humanities cycle (at the university, college, lyceum, gymnasium, school)
Cross-Cultural Communication
* Culturological aspects of cross-cultural communication
* Psychology of cross-cultural Communication
* Ethnology and Ethnography
* Sociological approach in the theory of cross-cultural communication
* Bilingual and polyling: personality as a resource
* Practical experience and expert position
* Problems and perspectives of modern public diplomacy and cross-cultural communication
Output Schedule: four times a year
Edition Format: electronic (pdf-version)
Languages: Russian, English
The Mass Media Registration Certificate: EL № FS 77-68838 of 28 february 2017
ISSN: 2587-6465
Territory of distribution: Russian Federation, foreign countries
Name of the Publisher: The International Center of the Promotion of the Russian Language and Culture «CENTRUS»
Last modified: 2017-09-24 19:36:22