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One Health & Risk Management (ISSN: 2587-3458)

PublisherAsociatia de Biosiguranta și Biosecuritate din Republica Moldova (ABBRM)




IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



One Health & Risk Management is a biannual scientific journal for specialists in medical and biological sciences, which was founded in 2019 within the Moldavian Biosafety and Biosecurity Asociation (MDBBA).
The journal accepts submissions in Romanian, English, French and Russian, in accordance with current international standards and guidelines.
The Journal policy is aligned with the new concepts of international organizations (WHO, OIE FAO, etc.), such as One Health Approach, enclosed within a cooperative, multisectoral, transdisciplinary, national and international framework.
The current state of the contemporary world in terms of depth and dynamics of changes, as well as the accelerated rate of research and innovation on evidence-based risk management, generate a progressive growth in the amount of medical and biological data.
Therefore, One Health & Risk Management Journal will support and publish manuscripts based on scientific evidence on human, animal and environmental health.
The rigorous review process (double-blind peer review) will involve professionals from various scientific fields, who comply with the international ethical guidelines for scientific publications.
One Health & Risk Management journal will increase its visibility by exchanging articles with other relevant publications and collaborating with similar national and international organizations, as well as via its website, which includes the recently published articles, providing the opportunity to get real-time information (Free Open Access).
The editorial board of the journal brings together outstanding personalities, both from the country and abroad, who help to maintain the journal to the highest scientific standards.
The editorial board warmly welcomes both the readers and authors of the manuscripts, all those who sustain the collaborative, multisectoral and transdisciplinary One Health approach, as well as those who are both interested in learning about the specific risk management strategies and fond of exploring new effective ways of solving a range of issues related to medical and biological sciences.

Last modified: 2022-01-13 07:11:54


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