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Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science (ISSN: 2575-8578)

PublisherJuniper Publishers



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Petrochemical Science is an open access online peer reviewed interdisciplinary Journal which deals with transformation of crude oil, natural gas and petrochemicals into useful products or raw materials. The Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science journal provide a platform for international scientists, researchers, academicians, industrialists and readers to share their ideas, knowledge, information and research findings among the people of their own society. The Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles, Opinions, Case Reports and Book Reviews & Papers will be published with the minimum of publication delay. The topics include petroleum geochemistry; Catalysis; Energy Technology; Engineering - Industrial Chemistry; Chemical Engineering; Physical Chemistry Petroleum economics and etc.

Last modified: 2017-12-28 20:13:42


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