Revista Eletrônica Ludus Scientiae (ISSN: 2527-2624)
PublisherUFG; UNILA; UNB
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The Electronic Journal Ludus Scientiae (RELUS) is a scientific journal in the area of science education and aims to publish papers dealing with the teaching and learning of topics related to natural sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) through games and recreational activities. In this sense, we accept two types of submission:a) Scientific Research Articles (SRA): That discuss investigative aspects of the use of the game or recreational activities, or even theoretical-methodological or epistemological discussions of the game or recreational activities linked to science teaching. Manuscripts submitted to this area must present a clear theoretical framework, as well as research objectives and questions made explicit in the body of the text. The methodology used in data collection and work analysis must also be clearly presented and the contributions of the work to the area of games and / or playful activities (in general) in science education must also be presented in the text.
b) Classroom Experience Report Articles (CERA): Manuscripts describing direct applications of games and recreational activities for students of basic or higher level will be accepted for evaluation as long as the activity's innovation is justified as well as the analysis of the results obtained considering the appropriate theoretical framework. Simple applications without conceptual and methodological discussions about the action taken will not be sent for evaluation.
The Ludus Scientiae Magazine will accept for evaluation original articles from the following areas of knowledge: chemistry, physics, biology. Any other area of knowledge may submit works to the journal as long as the relationship with the three main areas described is specified and justified in the body of the text, that is, it has direct implications for the area of education in chemistry, physics and biology.
Our target audience consists of researchers, graduate students, high school and university professors and undergraduate students of Science courses.
Last modified: 2020-04-23 00:10:38
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