Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series С. Economics and Law (ISSN: 2524-0668)
PublisherDonetsk National University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Bulletin of Donetsk National University Series D: Philology and Psychology
- Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University, "Economics" series
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The journal publishes articles on the problems of economics and law, as well as critical reviews of modern economic and political works.Сategories: economic theory; economy, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; regional economy;
labor economics and personnel management; the economics of entrepreneurship;marketing and logistics; management;
economic security;finance, money circulation and credit;
accounting, statistics;mathematical and instrumental methods of economics; global economy;theory and history of state and law;
history of political and legal doctrines; constitutional, municipal, administrative, financial, civil, business, information and other law;antitrust law and bankruptcy.
It is intended for practicing specialists in the field of economic and legal sciences, scientists, teachers, postgraduates and undergraduates.
The journal is intended for practitioners in the field of economic and legal sciences, scientists, teachers, postgraduates and undergraduates.
Last modified: 2021-03-02 05:00:35