Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review (ISSN: 2521-1870)
PublisherVirtus Interpress
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Corporate Governance deals tightly to the issues of behavior of individuals and groups of individuals within the organization as well as interactions of the organization with the external institutions, groups and individuals. Thus, it is important to deal with the governance issues not just in a strict approach of theories, instruments and policies, but also from the point of view of how shareholders, managers, employees, directors and other key-stakeholders are engaged in the governance process and how their behavior influences different characteristics of corporate performance and development. That's why it was decided by the international network of the Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance and scholars from the Sapienza University of Rome to establish the new journal, which will help academics and practitioners to develop mentioned topic in terms of scholarly papers and find proper mechanisms and instruments of corporate governance within the framework of organizational behavior. Research in the journal's interest can be categorized in at least three ways, including the study of individuals in organizations (micro-level), work groups (meso-level), and how organizations behave (macro-level). We consider this publication as an effective instrument to put in order the debate around corporate governance and organizational behavior worldwide.This includes the following areas of specialization:
Agency theory
Transaction costs theory
Property rights theory
Organizational behavior
Human resource management policies
Job performance and satisfaction
Reward systems
Organizational leadership
Cultural components of organizations
The roles of individuals and groups in organizations
Organizational structures and external environment
The boundaries of the firm
Contracts between and within firms
Managerial roles
Economic theories of organization
Both theoretical and empirical submissions are encouraged. Empirical work must provide tests of hypotheses based on sound theoretical foundations.
Last modified: 2018-04-19 23:23:41
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