Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Scientific Journal (ISSN: 2520-7539)
- International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJAEEE)
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE)
- Electrical engineering and electronics
- Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Current papers in electrical & electronics engineering
dvanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Scientific Journal (AEEESJ) is a quarterly international journal aims to publish scientific articles in an electronic form. AEEESJ is a peer-reviewed Engineering and Scientific journal.All manuscripts undergo a rigorous review process. AEEESJ employs a paperless, electronic review process to enable a fast and speedy turnaround in the review process.
The scope of the journal includes but not limited to:
Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Automation and Control, Biomedical Engineering, Computer, Engineering, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology and Informatics, Power Engineering, Signal Processing and Communication Engineering
The journal is directed as much at the practising engineer as at the academic researcher. Authors of articles with novel contributions to the theory and/or practice are welcome to submit their articles for consideration.
Last modified: 2017-05-27 17:15:56
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