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Economy. Business. Computer science (ISSN: 2500-2074)

PublisherLLC "Publishing house Internauka"



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Peer-reviewedscientific and practical journal "Economy.Business. Computer Science" was registered by the Federal service for supervisionin the sphereof Telecom, information technologiesand mass communications October 16, 2015 (registration CertificateEl no FS77-62293 ? network edition).
Periodicityof the journal:1time in 2 months.
Distribution? the Russian Federation, foreign countries.
Magazine "Economics. Business. Informatics" was created inorder to improveestimates of the impact ofacademic researchon indicatorsof publication activity? number of publicationsand their citation, increasing the ratingof Russian universitieson these indicators, the expansionand strengthening of positionsof Russian scientists inRussian and internationalscientific community.
Magazine "Economics. Business. Computer science" will inform:
? about the directions of development of science of universities of the Russian Federation and its achievements, competitiveness and integration into Russian and global scientific community;
? about the publication activity of the authors of the universities of the Russian Federation;
? publication activity and rating of universities of the Russian Federation for publications of its employees;
? the extent of recognition and level of publications of Russian universities in Russian and the world community according to their citation;
? the quality of scientific journals of the Russian Federation in comparison with the global flow of periodicals in a particular subject area, etc. The journal is a public platform for effective exchange of information, opinions, research results, discussion of different points of view on actual problems of economy, business, and computer science.

Last modified: 2016-04-04 15:25:06


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