Food Industry (ISSN: 2500-1922)
PublisherPublishing house of Ural State University of Economics
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The scientific journal “Food Industry” (the manager) was founded in 2016 on the base of the Ural State University of Economics as a scientific peer-reviewed edition devoted to the urgent issues and development prospects of the food industry.The journal is issued quarterly (four times a year). The Russian Science Citation Index indexes the scientific journal “Food Industry”.
Articles submitted to the journal “Food Industry” can be published in the Russian and English languages in the following sections:
• Scientific Basis of the Merchandize and Food Technology
• Food Technology
• Quality and Security
• Food Chemistry and Hygiene
• Food Manufacturing Processes and Equipment
• Food Market Research
Last modified: 2019-01-29 14:29:04
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