Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (ISSN: 2458-973X)
PublisherYildiz Technical University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies. (JSCMT) is an international journal, peer-reviewed and open-access journal. JSCMT carries original, full-length articles and shorter articles relating to the pursuit and implementation of sustainability pillars through engineering planning, design and application. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. Special issues devoted to international conferences and reviews of books and major reports will be published too.Electronic ISSN: 2458-973X
Key areas covered by the journal are:
Carbon Credits.
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration.
Climate change.
Conservation of historical concrete structures.
Designing structures with sustainable materials.
Durability of Construction Materials.
Ecology and sustainable development.
Embodied energy from production.
End of life-materials that can be demounted/deconstructed and reused or recycled.
Energy management during construction.
Energy management during use of the buildings and infrastructures.
Energy requirements for transport and use.
Environmental Technologies.
Green construction and sustainable development.
Green New Deal Construction Method.
Greenhouse gas reduction.
Innovative and non-traditional materials.
Life Cycle Analysis.
Maintaining quality and durability while achieving sustainability.
Maintenance and Life Cycle Management of Concrete Structures.
Maintenance and repair technologies for sustainability of buildings and infrastructures.
Making construction materials durable.
Mass balance - sources and final destinations of materials.
New materials production and construction technologies using innovative materials.
Recycling of municipal solid waste (MSW).
Renewable and sustainable energy.
Sustainability, quality, and public perception.
Sustainable Construction Materials and Structures.
Sustainable land development.
Urban planning and development.
Use of recyclable by-products in construction materials.
Waste and water management.
Last modified: 2022-05-04 01:29:56