Aydın TÖMER Dil Dergisi (Aydın TÖMER Language Journal) (ISSN: 2458-7818)
PublisherAydın University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Aydın TÖMER Language Journal; It is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twice a year, electronically, in March and September. Articles where various scientific research methods are applied are accepted and Aydın TÖMER Language Journal is evaluated by the editorial board, national and international experts. All articles accepted by the referees are published free of charge. Aydın TÖMER Language Journal; uses the double-sided blind review process and authors do not know the names of the referees, and the referees do not know the names of the authors in all stages of the review process. In the article acceptance process, the entire publishing process is followed using the DergiPark online system provided by TÜBİTAK-Ulakbim. Thanks to the infrastructure provided by DergiPark, the articles in Aydın TÖMER Language Magazine become open to national and international access, allowing different audiences to reach. In the Aydın TÖMER Language Journal based on Social Sciences; Works are accepted and published within the scope of scientific studies in order to contribute to our Turkish, Turkish teaching and the Turkish World, and in related fields in social sciences.Last modified: 2021-10-06 15:47:35
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