International Journal Of Advanced Research in Science Management and Technology (ISSN: 2454-4159)
PublisherProf. Anmol S.Suryavanshi
IF(Impact Factor)0.82 / 2015
- Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Management Sciences
- International journal of advanced research in education, technology and management
- Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology Research
- Journal of Advanced Research in Medical Science and Technology
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science management and Technology (IJARSMT) is editorial-reviewed, online international journal published monthly. It completely refereed diary concentrating on hypotheses, strategies and applications in SCIENCE, MANAGEMENT, ENGINEERING, PHARMACY and applicable fields. It is a global logical diary that plans to add to the steady investigative research and preparing, in order to advance research in the field of SCIENCE, MANAGEMENT, ENGINEERING,PHARMACY and applicable fields. IJARSMT is a profoundly particular diary, covering subjects that engage an expansive readership of different extensions of engineering, science, administration & related fields.IJARSMT - Author Profits particular to paper publication like
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Last modified: 2016-01-05 20:20:55
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