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Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Geographical Sciences» (ISSN: 2413-7391)

PublisherKherson State University




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Geographical Sciences» is a scientific and theoretical journal of geographical focus area founded in 2014. The founder is Kherson State University.
According to the Editorial Board policy, the goal and targets of the journal are to publish the results of researches, to familiarize an academic community with the latest achievements in the area of geographical science and education. The journal is aimed at disseminating knowledge in geography, sharing ideas and research findings among Ukrainian and foreign scientists. It publishes the results of researches in the sphere of geographical science and education achieved around the world prioritizing the study of Ukrainian territory and its educational and scientific space.
The journal is aimed at covering the topical issues of social-geographic research; natural-geographical and geoecological research; recreation geography etc. The journal informs about the events of scientific life and geographical education in Ukraine; provides reviews of research papers and geography textbooks.
Certificate of state registration of the print media: КВ № 23955-13795ПР dated April 26, 2019 (registered by the State Registration Service of Ukraine)
Centre International de l'ISSN: Print 2413-7391, Online 2663-2780.
Frequency: 2 times/year (half-yearly).
Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Geographical Sciences» is included in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine (Category "B") by specialty 103 "Earth Sciences", 106 "Geography" in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 No. 409 (Annex 1)
The herald is posted on the website of Vernadsky National Library: Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Geographical Sciences»
The journal is included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (the Republic of Poland).
Google Scholar journal profile:
Editorial staff awards every published paper with DOI (digital object identifier).
The journal covers topical issues of socio-geographical research; nature-geographical and geo-ecological research; geography of recreation and tourism, etc. The journal also informs about the events of scientific life and geographic education in Ukraine; submits reviews of scientific works and textbooks on geographic topics.
The editorial board carries out external and internal reviews of all articles. The editorial board of the collection includes leading Ukrainian and foreign scholars. The journal cooperates with the best Ukrainian and foreign HEI, public and local authorities. Such cooperation involves publication of information materials and scientific articles, performance of round tables at the premises of the journal office. The collection contains scientific-theoretical and practical materials on topical general-theoretical and branch geographical issues.
We invite all those who wish to collaborate with our journal and offer you to print your articles. This journal is intended not only for scientists, but also for practitioners, who will find a lot of useful information for their activities.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 20:26:05


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