The Problems of Historical Poetics (ISSN: 2411-4642)
PublisherPetrozavodsk State University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
In print since 1990 the Journal "The Problems of Historical Poetics" aims at publishing new researches in the area of comparative historical studies of poetics. The Journal offers new interpretations of the works of Russian and World literature based on original ideas and concepts. Each issue has an issue-related name (book title). Among the best-known issues there is ''The Gospel text in Russian literature of the 18th?20th centuries: quote, reminiscence, motive, plot, genre", where a particular research trend ? ethnopoetics ? was formed. Ethnopoetics makes it possible to discover national features of Russian philology through the categories of poetics. The authors of the articles offer new interpretations of the Russian classics, a new concept of Russian Literature as Christian one.Famous Russian scholars have contributed to publishing of the Journal: V. Е. Khalizev, F. Z. Kanunova,Е. К. Romodanovskaya, N. А. Krinichnaya, Т. G. Malchukova, I. А. Esaulov, V. А. Koshelev, I. А. Vinogradov, V. А. Voropaev, V. I. Gabdullina, V. V. Dudkin, Е. М. Neyolov, А. V. Pigin and others. Certain eminent foreign scholars have taken part too: Robert Louis Jackson (USA), Ludolf Müller (Germany), Jostein Børtnes (Norway), Dmitry F. Grigorieff (USA), Sophie Ollivier (France), Giuseppe Ghini (Italy), Erik Egeberg (Norway), Diane Oenning Thompson (UK), Ingunn Lunde (Norway), Irene Zohrab (New Zealand), Natalija Vidmarović (Croatia), Neda Andrić (Montenegro), V. V. Lepakhin (Hungary), Inès Muller de Morogues (Switzerland), Marta Lukaszewicz (Poland), D. L. Bashkirov (Republic of Belarus) and others.
The Journal was highly praised in international periodicals. In one of his reviews a distinguished American Slavist Victor Terras designated this research trend as ?A Christian revolution in Russian literary studies?: Terras, Victor. A Christian Revolution in Russian Literary Criticism // Slavic and East European Journal. 2002. Vol. 46. N 4. P. 769- 776.
Founder of the journal is Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU).
The Journal is published once a year in November. The number of articles in one volume about 30-45. Pages per issue: 460 to 678.
It has an International Standard Serial Number ISSN both of a printed and digital edition: ISSN 1026-9479 (Print) и ISSN 2411-4642 (Online).
In 2011 the Journal was registered in Russian Science Citation Index. Information on the published scientific articles is presented within a month since the date of the publication of each issue.
Impact factor RSCI (2014) : 0,156; Journal Index Rating SCIENCE INDEX (2014) : 0,138
Since 2012 (vol. 10) the articles of the Journal have been drawn up in accordance with the international standards and requirements of indexes of citing.
The Journal is included in the international databases of scientific citing:
? European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS);
? DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals);
? Ulrich's Periodical Directory (USA);
? Reseach Bible (Tokio, Japan)
All the scientific articles are recorded in the database of Registration Agency Crossref. A digital object identifier (DOI) is assigned to each article.
The web site of the Journal contains information about the edition (history, theme, requirements for manuscripts and reviews), about the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board (Academic degree and title, contact information), and the archive of the Journal for the last 25 years.
?The Editorial Board consists of the distinguished scholars from various countries of the world. All the submitted articles are necessarily reviewed. The reviewers are of the highest level. Sends to the journal articles are reviewed by experts with a doctorate or PhD in special scientific topic of the article. Reviewers can as an editorial board member, and not to enter into their composition.
Articles are accepted for publication in Russian, English, French, Spanish or Italian languages. At the request of the author of the article can be translated and published in Russian. The journal also accepts papers in the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Serbian andCroatian languages, in which case the articles are translated into Russian. The translation is then provided by the Publisher.
Publication of articles is free of charge.
A full-text version of the edition is freely available:
? Online on the web site of the Journal;
? in Academic Electronic library (;
? at the "Science" section of Petrozavodsk State University website;
? in Academic Electronic Library "CYBERLENINKA" (;
? in Journal club "IntelRos - Intellectual Russia" (2014, vol. 12)
The Journal is freely available. Its content is free for users. They are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, and print full texts of the articles exploring the links without any preliminary permission of the Editor or the Author.
The Journal is responsible for organization of the International Conference ?The Gospel text in Russian literature?, which is held once in three years in Petrozavodsk State university. It aims at maintaining and encouraging the collective work on creating a new concept of Russian philology.
Last modified: 2016-03-21 17:57:24
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