Romanian Journal of History and International Studies (ISSN: 2360-638X)
PublisherUniversity of Bucharest
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The Romanian Journal of History and International Studies aims to reach students, professors, and researchers who wish to deepen their understanding on the topics the journal approaches. One of the primary objectives of the journal is to stimulate research initiatives in Romanian academia and to promote interaction among social science disciplines. The Romanian Journal of History and International Studies aims to act as a scientific platform for dialogue and interdisciplinary research in order to support and promote academic debate in the field of social sciences.Using an interdisciplinary and transversal approach, RJHIS aims to provide a forum for academic debate within the field of history and its related disciplines. Our objective is to encourage academics in engaging more fully with subjects explaining issues concerning not only the past but the present. By doing so RJHIS aims to promote both new subjects of History and innovative ways of addressing its knowledge.
RJHIS invites students, early-career researchers, and professionals to submit papers for its forthcoming issues. RJHIS welcomes articles and book reviews from a broad range of disciplines, including international history, international law, diplomacy, theory of international relations, European studies, world economy, among others.
The Romanian Journal of History and International Studies is biannually published by the Literati Association, in collaboration with the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies and the Department of International Relations and World History at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest.
Last modified: 2017-06-28 17:22:51
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