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European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS (ISSN: 2357-1330)

PublisherFuture Academy



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



EpSBS is a Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings Journal. Peer Review is a process that EpSBS use to ensure the articles which EpSBS & Future Academy publish represent the best scholarship currently available. When an article is submitted to the EpSBS, the volume editors required to send it out to other scholars in the same field (the author's peers) to get their opinion on the quality of the scholarship, if its relevance to the field, and if its appropriateness for the conference proceedings. The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS has been indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters. EpSBS partners with relevant scientific databases to enable researchers to find the papers in the EpSBS easily. The databases that abstract and index these papers include CrossRef, EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service (EJS) and EBSCO A-to-Z Knowledgebase.

Last modified: 2016-02-08 13:33:17


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