International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science (ISSN: 2347-8616)
PublisherAcademic Science
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Original research papers and innovative applications from all parts of the world are welcomed. Rigorous peer review, to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability is key factor of the journal. The journal also seeks clearly written survey and review articles from experts in the field, to promote insightful understanding of the state-of-the-art and technology trends.Topics covered by Journal include but are not limited to:
Formal Methods
Algorithm and Computational Complexity
Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing
Software Engineering
Distributed Computing and Grid Computing
Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction
Database and Knowledge-Based Systems
Information Security
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
VLSI Design and Test
Computer Network and Internet
Adhoc Network
Natural Language Processing
Bioinformatics and new computational models
Artificial Intelligence
Dependable Computing
Last modified: 2014-06-01 22:54:41
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