International Journal Of Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (IJETET) (ISSN: 2347-4750)
PublisherWorld Academy of Science, Engineering & Space
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology is a scholarly open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, bimonthly and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in, Electrical, Electronics, Computer, Information Technology, Production, , Aeronautical, Civil, Mechanical, Robotics, Nanotechnology, Marine Engineering, Space Technology, Chemical, Material Science & Metallurgy Engineering. Apart from that all topics related to Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence Bio-Technology and Earth Sciences are also covered in this journal.The IJETET is freely accessed by World Academy of Science, Engineering & Space registered members without any barriers, the review time is approximately two months & selected conference papers of WASES conferences shall also be published in the journal.
Last modified: 2013-10-30 01:58:55
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