JSM Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering (ISSN: 2333-7117)
PublisherJSciMed Central
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
JSM Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering bring out new concepts in technology/methodology of importance to the biomedical, biological, bioengineering, environmental sciences and agricultural as well as cover up the ethical, commercial, political, societal and legal aspects of this field. We ensure this by the quality peer-reviewed research system that provides a unique platform to access unlimited data in the field of Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering.As a part JSciMed CentralOpen Access platform, JSM Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering supports the scientific innovation and advancement in Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering research community by increasing access to peer reviewed scientific literature. JSciMed Central also brings multiple internationally peer reviewed member journals under one roof thereby encouraging knowledge sharing, collaboration and promotion of interdisciplinary science.
JSM Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering publishes Perspectives, Articles, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, and Communications to the Editor that encompass all aspects of biotechnology & biomedical engineering.
JSM Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering is a high quality journal that covers following topics but not limited to the following areas:
Agricultural Biotechnology
Biosoft Materials
Neural Engineering
Cellular Biology
Gene Technology
Modern Biotechnology
Tissue Science and Engineering
Bio-Engineering Techniques
Biomedical Instumentation
Recombinant DNA Technology
Medical Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Nano Biotechnology
Silkworm Biotechnology
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Molecular Biosciences
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Marine Biotechnology
Ornamental Biotechnology
Medical Imaging
Biomedical Microsystems
Applied Physics
Last modified: 2016-01-31 16:07:38
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