Journal of Women’s Health, Issues & Care (ISSN: 2325-9795)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Canadian Journal of Women's Health Care for Physicians Addressing Women's Health Issues, The
- Women Health Care and Issues
- women's health data book : a profile of women's health in the United States / [Jacob's Institute of Women's Health], The
- Women’s Health Care
- Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Sub-Committee on Health Issues of the Standing Committee on Health and Welfare, Social Affairs, Seniors and the Status of Women
The Journal of Women’s Health, Issues & Care (JWHIC) promotes rigorous research that makes a significant contribution in advancing knowledge for women health issues. JWHIC includes all major themes pertaining to women’s health.Journal of Women’s Health, Issues & Care is a subscription based journal that provides a range of options to purchase our articles and also permits unlimited Internet Access to complete Journal content. It accepts research, review papers, online letters to the editors & brief comments on previously published articles or other relevant findings in SciTechnol.
Last modified: 2013-09-25 19:47:38