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Advances in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology (ISSN: 2324-9021)




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The journal Advances in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology (AGEB) promotes rigorous research that makes a significant contribution in advancing knowledge for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. AGEB includes all major themes pertaining to Genetic Engineering and recombinant DNA technology.
Advances in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology is a subscription based journal that provides a range of options to purchase our articles and also permits unlimited Internet Access to complete Journal content. It accepts research, review papers, online letters to the editors & brief comments on previously published articles or other relevant findings in SciTechnol. Articles submitted by authors are evaluated by a group of peer review experts in the field and ensures that the published articles are of high quality, reflect solid scholarship in their fields, and that the information they contain is accurate and reliable.

Last modified: 2014-03-24 15:55:24


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