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Indian Journal of Engineering (ISSN: 2319-7757)

PublisherDiscovery Publication




IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending


Indian Journal of Engineering is an international journal belonging to engineering researchers of electrical, electronics, computational, industrial engineering in diverse fields such as technology, agriculture, environment, forestry, ocean, water. Indian Journal of Engineering published monthly with original innovative and groundbreaking research and reviews. Indian Journal of Engineering has been created to facilitate exchange of information about the latest and future engineering discoveries and stimulate the global research activities on earth and universe. Indian Journal of Engineering publishes primary and advanced research works in all areas including;
Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation
Analysis and computational methods; heat transfer; experimental investigations; aerodynamics; combustion; chemical reaction and mixing; multiphase flow modelling
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach to different engineering systems
Dynamic modelling theories, techniques, and application examples of engineering systems
Experimental study and/or measurement technology of engineering systems
Manufacturing processes; process modelling
Performance modelling of automobiles (consumer vehicles, commercial vehicles, and racing vehicles)
Structure vibrations; acoustics
Various engineering system control and simulation
Optimisation of engineering systems
Signal processing and identification
Engineering Management and Economics
Creativity and technical entrepreneurship
Technical organisations and their management
Leadership and HRM; motivating/leading technical people
Product development, R&D, design management
Managing engineering and production operations
Project planning, acquisition, organisation, leadership/control
Financial management for engineers, cost estimation/accounting
Decision-making processes
Technology and knowledge management
Planning, forecasting and marketing issues
Project and risk management
Economic decision/capital investment analysis; design/project economics
Engineering management in the service industry
Public policy analysis
Design Engineering
Product, engineering and industrial design
Design in engineering subject areas
Design for sustainability and renewable energy
Web/internet technologies and wireless computing in design engineering
Design management
Integrated design and manufacturing, concurrent engineering
Mechanical transmission and machine elements
Tribology and lubrication in design engineering
Mechanics and mechatronics, heat transfer and fluids
Design optimisation and finite/boundary element methods in design engineering
Agile manufacturing
Rapid prototyping
Experimental and theoretical analyses in design engineering
Advanced computing in design engineering
Collaborative Engineering
Collaborative decision making/analysis
Distributive/integrative negotiation techniques
Engineering as collaborative negotiation
Collaboration science and technology
Collaborative and concurrent lifecycle engineering
Socio-technical frameworks for system engineering
Joint decision making and social choices
Activity theory for engineering modelling
Construction of social reality
Conflict detection, management and resolution
Technical teamwork, intelligent agents, virtual teaming
Case studies/applications
Computational Science and Engineering
Scientific and engineering computing
Problem-solving environments
Advanced numerical computation and optimisation
Complex systems: modelling and simulation
Parallel and distributed computing
Architectures and computation models, compiler, hardware and OS issues
Memory system, I/O, tools, programming environment and language support
Hardware/software co-design and VLSI support
Cluster, grid, P2P, GPU, multicore and cloud computing
Web-based and service computing
Performance modelling and evaluation
Swarm and artificial intelligence
Visualisation, virtual and augmented reality
Related applications
Structural Engineering
Analytical/design methods
Blast engineering
Bridges, tall buildings
Case studies
Fire engineering
Infrastructure engineering
Innovative structures
Life assessment/durability
New construction materials
Repairs, strengthening, maintenance
Structure-fluid-soil interaction
Structural health monitoring, safety, reliability
Testing technologies
Vibration, impact/structural dynamics
Wind/earthquake engineering
Industrial Engineering
Business and strategy, decision analysis
Engineering economy, cost estimation
Environmental issues
Facility location, layout, design, materials handling
Human factors, ergonomics, safety
Education, case studies
ICT and information systems
Innovation, knowledge management, organisational learning
Inventory, logistics, transportation, supply chain management
Manufacturing, control, automation
Product/process design and management
Forecasting, production planning/control
Project/operations management, scheduling
Service systems/management, performance analysis, modelling/simulation
TQM/quality engineering, reliability/maintenance engineering
Forensic Software Engineering
Software defect analysis methods and tools
Mathematical and statistical models for data analysis and correlations
Formal methods
Product and process metrics collection and analysis
Simulation techniques and environments
System and service engineering
Systems and services science
Software integrity
Domain-specific software engineering techniques and languages
Novel software engineering methodologies
Software development environments and CASE tools
Software testing, analysis and verification
Software understanding and reengineering
Measurement, metrics, estimation methods, and empirical studies
Software quality assurance
Surface Engineering
Surface characterisation and metrology
Surface integrity
Contact mechanics
Friction and wear, including mechanisms, modelling, characterisation, measurement and testing
Interface temperatures of sliding surfaces
Lubrication and lubricants
Coatings and surface treatments
Multiscale tribology including biomedical/biological systems and manufacturing processes
Tribology of composite materials: metallic, polymeric and ceramic
Tribological applications
Nanoscale tribology
Surface modifications, including surface cladding, cutting, polishing and grinding
Special surfaces such as those for high-performance lenses
Strategic Engineering Asset Management
Financial risks/asset investment decisions, life cycle costs/production economics
Engineering risks, technical integrity, operations management, risk analysis
Asset maintenance, asset health monitoring/tools/technologies
Advanced ICTs, data management, decision support technologies
Systems design, technology selection/application strategies
Asset modifications/project management, asset performance optimisation
Work processes, information/knowledge management
Human factors, organisational issues, human-process-technology interface
Organisational design, human resource/competence management
Industrial services/contracts and integrated logistics/supply chain management
Performance measurement/management, productivity/quality/change management
Business cases of strategic assets, education
Regulations/standards for asset management, legal aspects
Sustainable assets/asset processes, environmental technologies/management
Global trends/implications, socio-economic aspects
Intelligent Engineering Informatics
Foundations of intelligent informatics
Information storage and retrieval
Information security, integrity, privacy and trust
Knowledge discovery and ontology engineering
Computational intelligence and soft computing
Autonomous agents, autonomy-oriented computation, multi-agent systems
Cognitive systems
Bayesian learning systems and complex adaptive systems
Self-organising learning systems, artificial neural networks, fuzzy inference systems
Artificial immune systems and swarm intelligence systems
Evolutionary computation, and DNA/cellular/molecular computing
Ubiquitous, grid and high performance computing
Rough sets and granular computing
Social/engineering intelligence, web intelligence/mining
Human-computer interaction, virtual reality in engineering applications
Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
Ontology engineering
Knowledge representation techniques
Knowledge retrieval
Text mining
Knowledge-based/rule-based/case-based/expert system design
Knowledge acquisition, dissemination, discovery methodologies and technologies
Algorithms for data mining
Data models
Database design and architecture
Intelligent system design
Data integration and exchange
Data security and data integrity
Database administration and maintenance issues
Applications and case studies
Biomedical Engineering and Technology
Artificial organs
Automated patient monitoring
Advanced therapeutic and surgical devices
Application of expert systems and AI to clinical decision making
Biomaterials design
Biomechanics of injury and wound healing
Blood chemistry sensors
Computer modelling of physiologic systems
Design of optimal clinical laboratories
Medical imaging systems
Sports medicine
Organisational Design and Engineering
Real-time organisation
Organisational self-awareness
New organisational design principles and rules
Social networking
Visual management
New approaches to integration of computer-based artefacts into ODE
Knowledge management
The limits of organisational modelling
Ethical issues
Dynamic enterprise architectures
Organisational innovation
Fast-cycle information system development
Impact of organisational design qualities on design of computer-based artefacts
Organisational strategy

Last modified: 2013-07-23 15:03:14


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