International journal of research In Computer engineering and Electronics (ISSN: 2319-376X)
PublisherBhopal Institute of Professional Studies
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- International Research Journal of Electronics & Computer Engineering
- International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE)
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE)
- International Journal of Computer and Electronics Engineering
- International Journal of Electronics, Communications and Computer Engineering
IJRCEE encourages a multidisciplinary approach towards solving problems by harnessing the power of Computing, IT and Electronics in the following areas (the list is indicative and not necessarily exhaustive):1. Healthcare and Biomedicine - advances in healthcare and biomedicine e.g. for fighting impending dangerous diseases - using Soft Computing and Electronics to model transmission patterns and effective management of patients’ records; expert systems to help diagnosis, etc.
2. Environmental Management - climate change management, environmental impacts of events such as rapid urbanization and mass migration, air and water pollution (e.g. flow patterns of water or airborne pollutants), deforestation (e.g. processing and management of satellite imagery), depletion of natural resources, exploration of resources (e.g. using geographic information system analysis).
3. Popularization of Ubiquitous Computing - foraging for computing / communication resources on the move (e.g. vehicular technology), smart / ‘aware’ environments, security and privacy in these contexts; human-centric computing; possible legal and social implications.
4. Commercial, Industrial and Governmental Applications - how to use knowledge discovery to help improve productivity, resource management, day-to-day operations, decision support, deployment of human expertise, etc. Best practices in e-commerce, e-government, IT in construction/large project management, IT in agriculture (to improve crop yields and supply chain management), IT in business administration and enterprise computing, etc. with potential for cross-fertilization.
5. Social and Demographic Changes - provide Computing/IT solutions that can help policy makers plan and manage issues such as rapid urbanization, mass internal migration (from rural to urban environments), graying populations, etc.
6. Computing/IT in Education and Entertainment - complete end-to-end IT solutions for students of different abilities to learn better; best practices in e-learning; personalized tutoring systems. IT solutions for storage, indexing, retrieval and distribution of multimedia data for the film and music industry; virtual / augmented reality for entertainment purposes; restoration and management of old film/music archives.
7. Law and Order - using Computing power /IT to coordinate different law enforcement agencies’ efforts so as to give them an edge over criminals and terrorists; effective and secure sharing of intelligence across national and international agencies; using IT to combat corrupt practices and commercial crimes such as frauds, rogue/unauthorized trading activities and accounting irregularities; traffic flow management and crowd control.
The main focus of the journal is on technical aspects (e.g. data mining, parallel computing, artificial intelligence, image processing (e.g. satellite imagery), video sequence analysis (e.g. surveillance video), predictive models, etc.), although a small element of social implications/issues could be allowed to put the technical aspects into perspective. In particular, we encourage a multidisciplinary / convergent approach based on the following broadly based branches of computer science for the application areas highlighted above:
Green IT
Advances in AI and Soft Computing
Learning and Evolutionary Computing, Evolutionary Algorithm, Genetic Algorithms
Expert systems & Decision Making
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Reasoning
Information and Knowledge
DNA Computing
Quantum Computing
Natural Computing
Language and Search Engine, Information Retrieval
Information Security
Data Engineering, Database, Data Mining, Data Warehouse, Data Fusion
Digital Library
Pervasive Computing
Non-technical but relevant topics such as Information Policy, Ethics and Legal issues as appropriate.
Adaptive Active Phased Array Radars
Near Field Communication
Crystaline Silicon Solar Cells
Magnetic Amplifiers
Micro-fabricated Bio-sensors
Remotely Queried Embedded Microsensors
Electrical Impedance Tomography Or EIT
The Bionic Eye
Illumination With Solid State Lighting
BiCMOS technology
Real Time Speech Translation
Immersion Lithography
Optical Communications in Space
EUV Lithorgaphy
Surface Mount Technology
Elliptical curve cryptography (ECC)
New methods to power mobile phones
Tri-Gate Transistor
Moletronics- an invisible technology
Optical Coherence Tomography
DSP Enhanced FPGA
Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance
Low Power Wireless Sensor Network
Analog-Digital Hybrid Modulation
Quantum cryptography
FinFET Technology
4G Wireless Systems
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
Zigbee - zapping away wired worries
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
EC2 Technology
Last modified: 2013-12-06 13:57:43