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Post-Soviet Issues (ISSN: 2313-8920)

PublisherThe Centre of regional research




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



«Post-Soviet Issues» is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to current theoretical, scientific and practical problems of the post-Soviet area and its countries development.
The mission of the journal is to contribute to interdisciplinary research development, related to the scientific study of the post-Soviet area countries. The materials related to the studying of the political systems of the post-Soviet countries formation and transformation, emerging of new political ideology and culture, modification of social and political, national and confessional relations and processes, foreign policy and multilateral cooperation as well as the questions of ecology and humanitarian cooperation are published in the journal.
The journal is focused on publishing of scientific reviews, researches, articles related to the studying of theoretical, scientific and practical development problems and cooperation of the post-Soviet area countries.
The journal publishes authentic articles, comprehensive studies of Russian and foreign authors, having not been published scientific reports.

Last modified: 2017-12-04 17:19:00


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