CISS Insight A Journal of Strategic Studies (ISSN: 2310-4260)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
CISS Insight is a bi-annual multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal of strategic studies published by the Center for International Strategic Studies (CISS), Islamabad.Author Guidelines
CISS Insight is a biannual research journal of the Center for International Strategic Studies, Islamabad. It publishes articles on nuclear and strategic issues and international security.
Researchers and scholars who wish to contribute their articles for publication in CISS Insight may send their original, unpublished research articles in MS Word. They must also write their brief introduction, including contact details, and a certificate that the research is not published elsewhere or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submitted articles are subject to double-blind peer reviews both nationally and internationally. For plagiarism, we strictly follow the HEC guidelines. Contributors may note that once their articles have been accepted for publication in CISS Insight they cannot withdraw their article or have them published in any other journal.
Abstract Length
Articles should have a brief abstract comprising 200 words.
Words Limit
Article length should be between 5000 and 7000 words, including the references. Word limit for Book review is 1000-1200 words.
Deadline for Submission of Articles
March 31 and September 30, each year.
Submission Mode
Contributors are expected to submit a soft copy in MS Word (Cambria font, 12 size) and a hard copy through the address given below.
CISS Insight follows Chicago Manual 16th Edition (Full Note) for referencing (with font size 10).
Editor, CISS Insight, Center for International Strategic Studies, Suite #506, 5th Floor, Evacuee Trust Complex, Sir Agha Khan Road, F-5/1, Islamabad.
For plagiarism guidelines please visit;
Contact: 051-2722343-051-8315410-423
The past issues of the journal can be accessed here.
Last modified: 2021-03-26 16:26:13
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