Studia Humanitatis (ISSN: 2308-8079)
PublisherInstitute of Modern Humanitarian Researches (Moscow, Russia)
IF(Impact Factor)0.5 / 2024
Aims and ScopeInternational Scientific Research Journal "Studia Humanitatis" was created at the beginning of 2013. The aim of the journal is to render assistance in the development of humanitarian education and science in Russia and abroad.
The mission of this journal is to provide information about the state and prospects in development of humanitarian disciplines, humanitarian knowledge popularization, providing ground for humanitarians for publishing the results of their scientific activity and research, as well as information activity.
One of the main purposes of "Studia Humanitatis" is the implementation of the international exchange of scientific knowledge, cooperation with national and foreign academic and educational centers with the aim of developing further integration in the field of humanitarian studies.
Considering its multidisciplinary essence the journal publishes papers, reviews, opinions and other materials concerning humanitarian studies area.
At present the journal has the following columns: “History”, “Pedagogical science”, “Political science and Law”, “Theology”, “Philology”, “Philosophy”, “Psychology”.
Peer-review and publication frequency
"Studia Humanitatis" is a peer-reviewed online journal with a frequency of four issues per year (quarterly).
Author fees
"Studia Humanitatis" is a non-commercial project. Article submission and processing are gratuitous for the authors. Royalties are not paid.
Open Access Policy
The full text of all journals' content is available for free and spread according to the Open Access Statement in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative and used under the license of Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0). The journal allows the authors to hold the copyright without restrictions.
Registration and indexing
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) on January 25, 2013. Certificate ЭЛ No. ФС 77-52598.
The journal is registered in the ISSN International Centre – ISSN 2308-8079.
"Studia Humanitatis" is indexed by DataCite Registration Agency with DOI 10.24411/2308-8079.
Since January 2014 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
Since October 2014 journal issues have been located in the open access web of repositories Cyberleninka.
Since October 2015 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the Academic Research Index – ResearchBib.
Since May 2016 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the world's most comprehensive database WorldCat.
Since May 2016 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the Electronic Journals Library (University of Regensburg).
Since July 2016 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the comprehensive multipurpose database InfoBase Index.
Since November 2016 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the International database Index Copernicus.
Since February 2017 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the library directory and bibliographic database Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.
Since March 2017 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the Polish Scholarly Bibliography database (portal of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education).
Since August 2017 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Since October 2017 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).
Since November 2017 "Studia Humanitatis" has been included in the Index of Turkish Education.
Since March 2018 "Studia Humanitatis" has been indexed in EBSCOhost database.
The journal's metadata are exported into the biggest open repository of scientific data – Google Scholar.
Founder and publisher
The founder and the publisher of the International Scientific Research Journal "Studia Humanitatis" is the Institute of Modern Humanitarian Researches (Russia, Moscow). The Editor in Chief is the President of the Institute of Modern Humanitarian Researches, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, Doctor of Theological Sciences, Doctor of Human Sciences, Professor Andrey Melkov.
Publication activity
During the last 11 years we have published 948 papers of the authors from Russia and abroad. Accordingly we have published 88 research and review articles in the last calendar year.
Call for papers
The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board of the International Scientific Research Journal "Studia Humanitatis" welcome authors to publish their research papers. The opportunity for publishing the research results is granted to university tutors, scientists and young researchers (doctoral candidates, post-graduates and students).
The paper submission and the content requirements can be found on a special page for authors:
Last modified: 2024-10-30 07:48:40
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