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Journal of North East India Studies (JNEIS) (ISSN: 2277-6869)




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The academically peer refereed Journal of North East India Studies (JNEIS) seeks to provide readers worldwide with peer-reviewed scholarly articles related to history, anthropology, sociology, economics, education, political science, religion and other issues related to North East India.

The Journal of North East India Studies accepts manuscript for consideration in all major areas of studies related to North East India.
Manuscripts must be on original research work done by the author(s) and must not be sent for consideration to other publishers simultaneously. Manuscripts may be sent in the form of articles, reviews, book reviews or research notes.

Manuscripts should be between 6-8,000 words, including abstract, text, appendices, footnotes and references. But where it is justified, a longer (upto 12000 words) or shorter (not less than 4000 words) contributions can be considered, and is to be submitted directly by email as attachment to the editor.
Manuscripts received for publication shall be reviewed by the editor. The author(s) shall also be notified of the status by email. All submissions should be sent to the Editor at

Title, author's name, full mailing address, e-mail address, and a brief biographical note should appear on a separate page. Notes, if any, should appear at the end of the text. Figures and tables should be clearly presented.

An abstract of 100-150 words and 3-5 keywords should also be provided on a separate page on which the title of the paper appears, but not the author's name.

Last modified: 2012-03-19 12:46:50


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