Exploratory Animal and Medical Research (ISSN: 2277-470X)
PublisherWest Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research (ISSN 2277 - 470 X for print and ISSN 2319 - 247 X for online version) is a peer reviewed, bi- annual journal published on behalf of West Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association, West Bengal, India. The journal publishes information relating to Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Medical Sciences, Public health, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Fishery Sciences, Biomedical and related research works.Subscription information
The journal is displayed in the free, open access website www.animalmedicalresearch.org Print copies are made for distribution among the members of West Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association with annual/life membership charges.
Annual subscription charge for non members:
*Institutional: INR 500.00 for India
USD 50.00 for outside India
*Individual : INR 400.00 for India
USD 50.00 for outside India
Information for authors
Submission of an article is understood to imply that
i. Permission of institutional/Governmental/other appropriate ethical committee/bio-safety committee/ body etc. are taken for study on animal or human being.
ii. All the financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations related with the study is properly acknowledged and disclosed.
iii. All the authors have approved the paper for release and are in agreement with its content.
The format of the published articles of the journal should be followed strictly during manuscript writing.
Details regarding preparation of manuscript are stated in the “GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR CONTRIBUTORS” displayed in a separate PDF file in each issue of the published journal.
It is mandatory to furnish following certificate at the time of submission of manuscript for publication:
This is to certify that the reported work in the paper entitled "…………………… …………….” submitted for publication in EXPLORATORY ANIMAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH is an original one and has not been published / submitted to any Journal. I / We further certify that proper citation to the previously reported work has been given and no data / tables / figures have been quoted from other publications without giving proper acknowledgement. The consent of all the concerned authority is also taken.
Signature with full name, address and e mail of the authors.
Any sort of plagiarism is not acceptable. If any article is found to have been plagiarized at any stage, the authors will be blacklisted.
As the journal is displayed in our free, open access website, no hard copy is sent to the author of the published article. However, a PDF copy of published article is sent to the first author through mail.
The contents of Exploratory Animal and Medical Research are protected under Indian and International copyrights. As a free, open access journal, the journal grants to all of its users a free, worldwide, perpetual right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, perform and display the work publicly for any non-commercial purpose through any print or digital medium subject to attribution of proper authorship and ownership of the rights.
All the information and opinions published in Exploratory Animal and Medical Research reflect the views of the authors only. In no case the journal or its Editor in Chief, Associate Editor, Editorial Board or its publisher organization have any sorts of responsibility regarding the subject.
Chief Editor,
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research
West Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association
37, Belgachia Road, Kolkata 700037.
West Bengal, India.
E mail: eamrwb-AT-rediffmail.com
Website: www.animalmedicalresearch.org
Last modified: 2020-09-19 23:40:03