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International Journal of Education and Learning (ISSN: 2234-8034)




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The main topics include but will not be limited to: (Excellent surveying works, summary or introduction of new or fresh idea in these areas are welcome, too)
Awards and Education
Basic Science in Education
Bridging the gap of Education and the Requirements of the Real Life
Changes and Challenges in Education
Classroom Monitoring
Computers for Education
Continuing Education & Its Delivery
Continuous Collaboration of Industry and Education
Distributed computing and distributed data bases for education
Distributed multimedia and Networks for education
Education Reforms
Educational Software and Development
Educational technologies for People with Special Needs
Educational technologies for Women and Minorities
Educational Textbooks
Election of Faculty Members
Environment and educational technologies
Examinations and Tests via Internet
Globalization in education Challenges and problems
Grants, Funds, Prizes and Projects for the New Educational Technologies
Integration of Computers, Internet, Multimedia for Educational Purposes
Intelligent Robots as Teachers
International Recognition of Qualifications
Internet for Education
Management of Educational Institutes
Methodologies in examinations and relevant problems
Multimedia for Education
Networking, Reliability aspects for Education
New types of Examinations
Privacy issues for education
Promotion of the Cultural Heritage through educational technologies
Psychological Aspects and Relations between lecturers and students
Quality Assurance in educational technologies
Resources and Funds in educational technologies
Social and cultural impact of modern communications for education
Studies in Engineering and the needs of the Production and Market
Supervision and Re-Organization of Laboratories with New Technologies
Transfer of Know-how for educational technologies
Virtual school, Virtual Classroom
Web-based Education
Web-Management of education
Adaptive e- and u-Learning and intelligent apps & tools
Adoption of e- and u-Learning by academic and industry staff
Advanced use of multimedia
Anytime/anywhere e- and u-Learning and wearable network devices
Application of instructional design theories
Applications of metadata and virtual reality
Asynchronous interaction
Blended learning approaches
Communities of practice
Content Development and Management
Cost models for e- and u-Learning
Course development strategies
Distance Learning and Distance Teaching
Distributed e- and u-Learning environments
e- and u-Learning adoption and Pedagogy
e- and u-Learning and social justice
e- and u-Learning design, usability, evaluation
e- and u-Learning Groupware
e- and u-Learning implementation and cognitive styles
e- and u-Learning industry and University programs
e- and u-Learning portals
e- and u-Learning to support communities and individuals
e- and u-School & e- and u-University
Evaluation of Learning technologies
Faculty development and e- and u-Learning
Human resource development using e- and u-Learning at the company
Impact of the e- and u-Learning and Society
Integrated learning and educational environments
Inter-institutional education program cooperation
Issues in e- and u-Learning Research
Knowledge management
Learner characteristics
Learning Content Management Systems & Learning Management Systems
Life long e- and u-Learning
Management using ICT
Marketing and promoting e- and u-Learning
Mobile learning
National and international projects on e- and u-Learning
New partnerships to deliver e- and u-Learning
Online and computer aided assessments
Open Education
Pedagogy for e- and u-Learning teachers
Practical uses of authoring tools
Pricing and economic analysis of web-based systems for education
Remote and wireless teaching technologies
Satellite campus issues
Satellite technologies for e- and u-Learning
Simulations and virtual learning environments
Social and collaborative e- and u-Learning
Societal and cultural issues in e- and u-Learning
Structural representations of e-Lessons
Support for lifelong learning
Synschronous and Non-Synchronous e- and u-Learning
The future of e- and u-Learning
The Learning Commons
Tutoring e- and u-Learning applications and services
Web 2.0 technologies and the classroom
Other/specialist e- and u-Learning topics
Editorial Board/Reviewers
Abdullah Al Zoubi, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan
Ali Moeini, University of Tehran, Iran
Amine Berqia, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Andrew Goh, International Management Journals, Singapore
Anita Welch, North Dakota State University, USA
Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada
Birgit Oberer, Kadir Has University, Turkey
Bulent Acma, Anadolu University,Eskisehir, Turkey
Cheah Phaik Kin, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Kampar, Malaysia
Chitharanjandas Chinnapaka, London Metropolitan University, London
David Guralnick, University of Columbia, USA
Florin D. Salajan, North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND, USA
Francisca Onaolapo Oladipo, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
Jacinta Agbarachi Opara, Federal College of Education(Technical),Omoku, Nigeria
Jeton McClinton, Jackson State University, USA
Khitam Shraim, An-Najah National University
Mads Bo-Kristensen, Resource Center for Integration, Vejle, Denmark
Marga Franco i Casamitjana, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Michel Plaisent, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada
Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia
Mona Laroussi, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de la Technologie, Tunisia
Pankaj Kamthan, Concordia University, Canada
Philip L. Balcaen, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada
Osman Sadeck, Western Cape Education Department, South Africa
Ramayah Thurasamy, University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Robert Wierzbicki, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida,Germany
Rozhan Mohammed Idrus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Sapna Tyagi, Institute of Management Studies(IMS), India
Satyadhyan Chickerur, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, India
Selwyn Piramuthu, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Sheila Jagannathan, World Bank Institute, Washington, USA
Sheryl Buckley, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Soh Or Kan, Asia e University (AeU), Malaysia
Stella Lee, Athabasca University, Canada
Tae-Young Byun, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea
Toor, Saba Khalil, T.E.C.H Society, Pakistan
Yana Tainsh, University of Greenwich, London

Last modified: 2012-09-08 08:14:21


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