Naukovì pracì Nacìonalʹnoï bìblìoteki Ukraïni ìmenì V.Ì. Vernadsʹkogo (ISSN: 2224-9516)
PublisherVernadsky National Library of Ukraine
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The journal shows the role of libraries as modern informational and communicational centers for development of science, culture, and social communications. It explores activity of librarian departments that provide information support for societal transformations and for promoting librarian informational and analytical products in information market; as well as social informational communication features as a part of global information space. The articles highlight the problems of national information space security and the part of libraries in the work. The topicality of the journal also includes current problems of optimizing and increasing of library work effectiveness in a world of digital technologies. The innovative methods of information resources usage are studied, along with specifics and new ways for library communication via social media, etc.Last modified: 2018-11-19 22:08:57