Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) (ISSN: 2222-1859)
PublisherWorld Academic Publishing LTD
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Healthcare information management & communications Canada
- Communications in Computer and Information Science
- Communications in Control Science and Engineering (CCSE)
- Executive briefing on health care communications, information, and management systems
- IJCSEC-International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Communications
Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) is an international journal, which aims to promote diffusion of information science, computer science and engineering, information engineering and application, and management engineering through setting a platform for educators to share their experience.Scholars from all relevant academia fields are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts that describe the latest research results or innovations. Besides, all submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts from the same research fields.
Last modified: 2012-05-16 06:55:18
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